Getting Ready:
Preparing the Church for the Return of Jesus Resources from the teaching ministry of Dr. Daniel M. SwegerVisit my other site:
The Book-The Seminar-The MissionMy name is Dr. Daniel M. Sweger, and I am glad you have come to this website. My mission is to help spread the word about the second coming of Jesus Christ and that the Church is not ready. I invite you to explore this site. In 2001 while on a missions trip to Kenya where I was teaching in two Bible schools, I began a serious study of eschatology, i.e. the prophecies surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Over the next two years I twice taught a 15-hour course titled "The Coming Day of the Lord" at the People of Destiny Bible School in Lusaka, Zambia. During the summer of 2003 I took my course notes and outlines and turned them into a full manuscript. After several revisions it became apparent that the manuscript was really two books, one on the detailed study of the prophetic events and the other quite directive of the teachings of Jesus to His disciples in the Olivet Discourse and of His seven letters to the seven churches in Asia in Revelation chapters 1-3. It is the latter manuscript that was published by Gazelle Press in 2005 as Getting Ready: Preparing the Church for the Return of Jesus. The detailed Bible study of eschatology became The Coming Day of the Lord: Understanding the Prophecies About the Return of Jesus. This website is thus devoted to the subject of Biblical prophecy and related material. It is my prayer that this website will be a blessing to you and provide you with resources to improve your life and assist you in your ministry. There is a lot of stuff here, and I invite you to spend some time and look around. ![]() Jesus is coming back!There is no promise in the Bible that is more certain than the return of Jesus. When He returns it will be:
The Church is not ready!!Jesus is coming back for a church that is pure, that He might present "the church in all her glory, have no spot or wrinkle or an such thing; ... she should be holy and blameless." (Ephesians 5:27) This does not describe the church today. In the United States today there is little in our behavior and in our manner of living that separates Christians from the rest of society. Jesus spoke of "a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now." (Matthew 24:21) God's method of purifying a people, whether Jew or Christian, is to allow persecution and tribulation. It is in the fires of the crucible of tribulation that the Goldsmith purifies the gold; there is no other way. (See Titus 2:11-14.) James wrote, "Count it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, ... that you may be perfect and complete." (James 1:2,4) Speaking specifically of and to believers, Jesus warned that "many will fall away and will betray one another," and that "the love [agape] of many will grow cold." That is a sobering warning, and it is for this reason that Jesus repeatedly instructed us to "be on the alert" and to "be ready." Jesus has left instructions concerning some of the things that we can and need to do in order to prepare for the coming days. "Getting Ready"This is the purpose of the books, the seminars and this website. Jesus is merciful, and He gave us instructions on how we can be prepared for the events to come. If you are at all interested in the return of Jesus you will want to read this book! It has been published by Gazelle Press and is available from this site, book stores and I have also prepared a seminar on Getting Ready, which presents the material from both books. The entire seminar is also available in both DVD and Windows Media formats. ![]() This is a faith ministry. Although there are suggested prices for the materials on the Orders page, they are only suggestions. All materials on this website are available on a donation basis only. To make a tax-deductible offering make a check out to "ABLE Ministries" and mail to:
(If you have an account with PayPal you can make a donation using the email address: If you are interested in the ministry of Dr. Sweger you can contact him using the Contact web page or email him at ![]() ©Copyright 2009 by Dr. Daniel M. Sweger, IHS Ministries.
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I invite you, and even encourage you, to email me any comments you have, not only on the contents
of this site, but on the second coming of Jesus in general. Just click anywhere you see this button: Announcement!!
The entire Getting Ready Seminar is now available on the website in both
I am headed back to Africa for six weeks of ministry!! I will be in Kenya, South Africa and Zambia from April 1-May 12, 2010. See the details on the News page. |